IS 10013 : Part 2 : 1981 Specification for water soluble type wood preservatives: Part 2 Copper-chrome-arsenic (CCA) wood preservative

UDC 674.048.661.876.256.46 CED 9
Reaffirmed 2020

1. Scope

1.1 This standard (Part II) covers the requirements for copper-chromearsenic a water-soluble (fixed) type wood preservative specified for treatment of timber and other hgnucellulosrc materials as given in IS: 401-1982.

1.2 This standard covers the composition of the preservative. quality of chemicals forming the compos.non, and samplIng procedure for analysis.

1.3 The analysis procedure for different ingredients have been covered in IS . 2753 (Part 1)-1964*