IS 10033 : 1992 Zircon and Graphite based core and mould washes

UDC 621.744.527.7 : 666.762.55 MTD 14
Reaffirmed 2019

1 Scope

This standard covers the requirements for zircon and graphitebased core and mould washes used in foundries.

2 References

IS 75 :1973 Linseed oil, raw andrefined

IS 1387 : 1967General requirements for the supply of metallurgicalmaterials

IS 3018 : 1977Standard silica sand for raw material testing infoundries

IS 4269 : 1981Dextrin for use in foundries

IS 10085 : 1982Methods for chemical analysis of zircon flour or sand

IS 12446 : 1988Bentonite for use in foundries