IS 10443 : 2006 Data Sheet for Selection of Marine Loading Arms

ICS 23.020.30;75.160.30 MED 7
Reaffirmed 2022

1 Scope

This standard lays down the data required for theselection of the marine loading arms used in ports andapplicable for handling liquids for loading and unloading.

2 References

The following standard contains provisions which,through reference in this text, constitutes provision ofthis standard.At the time of publication,the editionindicated was valid. All standards are subject torevisionr and parties to agreements based on thisstandard are encouraged to investigate the possibilityof applying the most recent edition of the standardindicated below:

    IS No.     Title
IS 1893 : Part 4 : Criteria for earthquake resistant
2005 design of structures: Part 4 Industrial
structures including stack-like