IS 10472 : 1983 Filter-aid powders for use in electroplating

UDC 66.067.3 : 627.357.7 CHD 5

Reaffirmed 2024

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements and the methods ofsampling and test for filter aid powder used in clarifyingelectroplating solutions.

2 References

IS 2 :1960Rules for rounding off numerical values

IS 265 :1976Spccification for hydrochloric acid

IS 460 : Part I :1978 Specification for test sieves:Part I Wirecloth test sieves

IS 798 :1968Specification for arthophosphoric acid

IS 799 :1978Specification for ammonia, liquor

IS 1070 :1977Specification for water for general laboratoryuse

IS 2263 :1979Method of preparation of indicator solutions

IS 2316 :1968Methods of preparation of standard solutions forcalorimetric and volumetric analysis

IS 4905 :1968Methods for random sampling