IS 10636 : Part 3 : 1983 Methods for Measurement of Abrasive Wear Properties of Metallic Material - Part 3 : Test Methods for Low Stress Abrasion

UDC 669 : 620.178.162.44 MTD 3
Reaffirmed 2022

1 Scope

1.1 This standard (Part 3) prescribes the following two testmethods for the measurement of low stress abrasion:

a) Rubber wheel abrasion machine method;

b) Rotating Pin Method.

Low stress abrasion occurs in a situation in which the stressimposed on the abrasive particles does not exceed the crushingstrength of the particles. These tests may evaluate the resistanceto low stress abrasion of different materials. These tests may alsobe used to study the effects of metallurgical factors on theresistance to low stress abrasion.

2 Reference

IS 2 : 1960   Rules forrounding off numerical values