IS 10714 : Part 25 : 2006 /ISO 128-25 : 1999 Technical Drawings - General Principles of Presentation Part 25 Lines on Shipbuilding Drawings

ICS 01.100.01 PGD 24
Reaffirmed 2021

National Foreword

This Indian Standard (Part 25) which is identical with ISO 128-25 : 1999 ?Technical drawings -General.principles of presentation - Part 25: Lines on shipbuilding drawings? issued by the InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bmeau of Indian Standards on therecommendation of-the Drawings Sectional Committee and approval of the Production and GeneralEngineering Division Council.

ISO 128 was published in 1982 and was accordingly adopted as IS 10714:1983. ISO 128:1982 waswithdrawn and published again in several parts. In view of this Drawings Sectional Committee decidedto adopt ISO 128-25:1999 as IS 10714 (Part 25).

This standard specifies application rules and basic conventions for the types of lines on shipbuildingdrawings.

The other parts of this series are given as follows:

IS 10714 (Part 20) : 2001 Technical drawings - General principles of presentation: Part 20 Basicconventions for lines

IS 10714 (Part 21 ) : 2001 Technical drawings - General principles of presentation: Part 21 Preparationof lines by CAD systems

The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard withoutdeviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attentionis particularly drawn to the following:

a) Wherever the words, ?International Standard? appear, referring to this standard, they should beread as ?Indian Standard?.

b) Comma ( , ) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current practiceis to use a point ( . ) as the decimal marker.

In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which Indian Standardsalso exist. The corresponding Indian Standards, which are to be substituted in their places, are listedbelow along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:

International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard
ISO 128-20 : 1996 IS 10714 (Part 20) : 2001 Technical
drawings - General principles of
presentation: Part 20 Basic
conventions for lines
ISO 6428 : 1982 IS 10164 : 1985 Requirements to
execute technical drawings for micro-