IS 10801 : 1984 Recommended procedure for heat treatment of welded fabrications

UDC 621.785 : 621.772.46 : 621.791 MTD 11
Reaffirmed 2021

1 Scope

1.1 This standard recommends procedures to ensure that the heattreatment of welded fabrications is carried out accurately inaccordance with the requirements of relevant application standards.

1.2 This standard does not provide heat treatment data, such asthe preheating and concurrent heating temperatures for variousmaterial compositions and their thickness, postheating temperatureranges and time at temperature, and rates of heating and cooling.Such data must be sought from the application relevant standard onpressure pipings, pressure vessels, etc.

1.3 This standard covers heat treatment of pressure pipework andpressure vessels.

2 References

IS 2 :1960 Rules for roundingoff numerical values

IS 2825 : 1969Code of unfired vessels

IS 10234 : 1982Recommendations for general pipeline welding