IS 10824 : 1984 Code of practice for Amenities in Hydroelectric Power Houses

UDC 627.85.04 : 621.311.2 : 721.025 : 006.76 WRD 15
Reaffirmed 2021

1 Scope

1.1 This standard covers the requirements of lighting, soundcontrol, sanitary arrangements, water supply, communicationfacilities, elevators and ventilation inside medium and major powerhouses including pumped storage installations, and the methods ofproviding the same.

2 References

IS 2065 :1972Code of practice for water supply in buildings

IS 2470 : Part 1 :1968 Code of practice for design andconstruction ofseptic tanks:Part 1 Small installations

IS 2470 : Part 2 :1971 Code of practice for design andconstruction ofseptic tanks:Part 2 Large installations

IS 4720 : 1981 Code of practicefor ventilation of surfacehydel power stations