IS 10871 : 1984 Code of safety for hydrazine and hydrazine hydrate

UDC 614.878 : 547.234 CHD 7
Reaffirmed 2014

1 Scope

1.1 This standard covers the properties of hydrazine andhydrazine hydrate (100 percent), nature of hazards associated withit, preventive measures for controlling the hazards and essentialinformation on storage, handling, packing, labelling, employeeeducation, personal protective equipment and first aid.

1.2 This code does not deal with specification for design ofbuildings, process equipments, storage vessels, etc.

2 References

IS 2148 : 1968Flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus

IS 3043 : 1966 Codeof pratice for earthing

IS 4155 : 1966Glossary of terms relating to chemical andradiationhazards and hazardous chemicals

IS 4167 : 1966Glossary of terms relating to air pollution

IS 8240 : 1976 Guidefor electrical equipment for atmospheres