IS 10889 : 2004 High Density Polyethylene Films

UDC 678.742.2-416 PCD 12
Reaffirmed 2016

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes requirements, methodsof sampling and test for natural and black colour(carbon black pigment) high density polyethylene(HDPE) films.

1.2 Coloured films other than black shall be as agreedto between the purchaser and the supplier.

2 References

The following standards, contain provisions which,through reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis standard. At the time of publication, the editionsindicated were valid. All standards are subject torevision, and parties to agreements based on thisstandard are encouraged to investigate the possibilityof applying the most recent editions of the standardsindicated below:

IS No.                  Title
IS 2530 : 1963 Methods of test for polyethylene
moulding material and
polyethylene compounds
IS 4905 : 1988 Methods for random sampling
IS 7019 : 1998 Glossary of terms in plastics and
flexible packaging, excluding
paper (second revision)
IS 7328 : 1992 High density polyethylene materials
for moulding and extrusion -
Specification (first revision)
IS 7497 : 1985 Specification for high abrasion fur -
nace (HAF) carbon black (first
IS 8134 : 1996 Intermediate super abrasion fur-
nace (ISAF) N220 carbon black -
Specification (second revision)
IS 10141 : 2001 Positive list of constituents of
polyethylene in contact with
foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and
drinking water (first revision)
IS 10148 : 1982 Positive list of constituents of
polyvinyl chloride and its copolymer
for safe use in contact with
foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and
drinking water
IS 10357 : 1990 General purpose furnace
[(GPF)(N660)] carbon black -
Specification first revision)
IS 10358 : 1991 Carbon black super abrasion furnace
[(SAF)(N 110)] - Specification
(first revision)
IS 13360 (Part 3/
Sec 1) :1995
Plastics - Methods of testing: Part
3 Physical and dimensional properties,
Section 1 Determination of
density and relative density of noncellular
IS 13360 (Part 4/
Sec 1): 1995
Plastics - Methods of testing:
Part 4 Theological properties,
Section 1 Determination of melt
mass-flow rate (MFR) and melt
volume flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics
13360 (Part 5/
Sec l : 1996
Plastics - Methods of testing: Part
5 Mechanical properties, Section 1
Determination of tensile properties
general principles
13360 (Part 5/
Sec 3) :1999
Plastics - Methods of testing: Part
5 Mechanical properties, Section 3
Determination of tensile properties
- Test conditions for films and
13360 (Part 5/
Sec 6) :1999
Plastics - Methods of testing: Part
5 Mechanical properties, Section 6
Determination of impact resistance
by the free falling dart method -
Staircase method