IS 11285 : 2002 Various Tests on Raw Materials to be Used for Coal Based Rotary Kiln Direct Reduction

ICS 73.040; 77.080.10 MTD 30
Reaffirmed 2021

1 Scope

This standard covers the tests of raw materials for coal baseddirect reduction processes in rotary kilns, to produce sponge ironfor use in steel making furnaces and in foundaries.

2 References

IS 1350 Methods of test for coal and coke (in various parts)

Part 2 : 1970 Determination of calorific value

IS 1353 : 1993 Methods of tests for coal carbonization-cakingindex, swelling number and (LT) gray-king assay

IS 1354 : 1992 Methods of test for coke-special test

IS 1493 : 1959 Methods of chemical analysis of iron ores

IS 1493 : Part 1 : 1981 Methods of chemical analysis of iron ores:Part 1 Determination of common constituents

IS 1607 : 1977 Methods for test sieving

IS 1760 Methods of chemical analysis of limestone,dolomite and allied materials:

Part 1 : 1991 Determination of loss on ignition

Part 2 : 1991 Determination of silica

Part 3 : 1992 Determination of iron oxide, alumina, calciumoxide and magnesia

IS 5842 : 1986 Method for measuring bulk density of iron oxideslump ores, sinter and pellets

IS 6495 : 1984 Method of tumbler test for iron oxides, lumpores sinter and pellets

IS 8167 : 1989 Method for determination of reducibility indexof iron ore oxides, lump ore, sinter andpellets

IS 8624 : 1995 Method for determination of swelling index ofiron ore pellets

IS 9963 : 1981 Determination of shatter index of iron ore,lumps sinter and pellets

IS 10823 : 1994 Method for determination of thermal degradationindex (TDI) and reduction degradation index(RDI) of iron oxides; lump ore sinter andpellets

IS 11283 : 1985 Determination of softening point of iron oxides(in powder form) : lump, ore, sinter and pellets

IS 11284 : 1985 Rotary tube test for iron bearing materials forthe manufacture of sponge iron/direct reducediron (DRI)

IS 11795 : 1996 Guidelines for ash softening studies on solidreductants for direct reduction

IS 12381 : 1994 Methods of determination of coal (char)reactivity for direct reduction processes