IS 11298 : Part 3 : Sec 4 : 1998/IEC 674-3-3 : 1992 Plastic films for electricl purposes: part 3 Specification for individula materials, Section 4 Requirements for polycabonate (PC) films used or electrical insulation

ICS 29.035.20 : 83.140.10 ETD 2
Reaffirmed 2018


This Indian Standard is identical with IEC PUB 674-3-3 ( 1992 ) ‘Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3 : Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 3 : Requirements for polycarbonate ( PC ) films used for electrical insulation’ issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ) and was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Solid Electrical Insulating Materials Sectional Committee ( ETD 02 ) and approval of the Electrotechnical Division Council.

This standard ( Part 3/Set 4 ) is one of the series of Indian Standards which deal with plastic films for electrical purposes. The series consists of the following parts:

Part 1 Definitions and general requirements

Part 2 Methods of test

Part 3 Individual materials - Specifications

This standard ( Part 3/ Set 4 ) covers the requirements for polycarbonate films, for use as electrical insulation.

In this Indian Standard, wherever reference appears to IEC 674-l :1980 ‘Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 1 : Definitions and general requirements’, it shall be read as IS 11298 ( -Part 1 ) : 1985 ‘Plastic films for electrical purposes : Part 1 Definitions and general requirements ; IEC 674-2 : 1988 ‘Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 2 : Methods of test’ shall be read as IS 11298 ( Part 2 ) : 1987 ‘Plastic {ilms for electrical purposes : Part 2 Methods of test’; and IEC 674-3-3 : 1992 ‘Specification for plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3 : Specifications for individual materials - Sheet 3 : Requirements for polycarbonate (PC) films used for electrical insulation’ shall be read as IS 11298 ( Part 3/Set 4 ) : 1998. The above IEC standards are equivalent to the respective Indian Standards. For IEC 757 : 1983 there is no equivalent Indian Standard at-present.

Certain conventions appearing in this dual number standard are not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention is particularly drawnto the following:

a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they should be read as ‘Indian Standard’;

b) Comma ( , ) has been used as decimal marker while in lndian Standards, the current practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.