IS 11368 : Part 1 : 1985 Comparison of Indian and overseas classification and coding of welding filler materials Part 1 Flux coated mild steel and medium tensile steel electrodes for manual metal arc welding

UDC 621.791.753.048 : 669.141.24 (083.77) MTD 11

Reaffirmed 2024

1 Scope

1.1 This comparison standard is meant to serve as a guide to theselection of near equivalent indigenous and overseas (orvice-versa) welding filler materials on the basis of theclassification systems of the respective countries.

1.1.1 Individual countries have individual basis forclassification and coding of welding consumables. Individualcountries emphasis on such chemical composition, mechanical andother properties for the welding filler material as will meet theservice and other needs as may be prevalent in those countries.

1.1.2 Symbols and digits used by the individual countries intheir standards for the classification and coding of weldingconsumables have been explained.

1.1.3 The technical details available for a particular type orall types of electrodes in the specification of one country, maynot match in totality with the similar or all types of fillermaterials listed in the specification of other countries.

1.1.4 Keeping this possible and logical differences in view,this comparison standard has been compiled. This comparison ismeant only to serve as a guide and it is not meant to serve as astandard specification.