IS 11516 : 2005 Soft Solder for Electronic Applications - Specification

UDC 621.791.35.04 : 669.65.4-412.621.38.038 MTD 9
Reaffirmed 2021

1 Scope

This standard covers the requirements of soft solders (antimonial andnon-antimonial) in the form of sticks, bars and ingots for use inelectronic applications.

2 References

IS 998 Methods of chemical analysis of soft solder (soft and rosin cored):

    Part 1 : 1983 Determination of tin and antimony

    Part 2 : 1983 Determination of iron, copper and arsenic

    Part 3 : 1983 Determination of cadmium, zinc, aluminium, bismuth and nickel

IS 1387 : 1993 General requirements for the supply of metallurgical materials