IS 11626 : 2005 Recommended Practice for Ultrasonic Testing and Acceptance for Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Forging Quality Steel Blooms

UDC 669.14-412-134 : 620.179.16 MTD 21
Reaffirmed 2014

1 Scope

1.1 This standard describes for carrying out ultrasonic examination using straight beam, pulse-echocontact technique of plain carbon and low alloy forging quality blooms. It is applicable for blooms ofsizes up to 300 mm x 300 mm from ingot route and 200 mm x 200 mm from continuous casting route.

1.2 In case of bloom rolled from the continuous casting product, the reduction ratio between the rolledblooms and cast product shall not be less than 9.

2 References

The following standards contain provisions, which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard.At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and partiesto agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recenteditions of the standards indicated below.

IS No.        Title
IS 2417 : 2003 Glossary of terms used in ultrasonic
non-destructive testing (second revision)
IS 12666 : 1988 Methods for performance assessment of
ultrasonic flaw detection equipment
IS 13805 : 2004 General standard for qualification and
certification of non-destructive testing
personnel - Specification (first revision)