IS 1166 : 2022 Sweetened Condensed Milk, Sweetened Condensed Partly Skimmed Milk, Sweetened Condensed Skimmed Milk and Sweetened Condensed High Fat Milk-Specification

ICS 67.100.10 FAD 19

Revised Standard from Last Update.


1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements and the methods of test for sweetened condensed milk, sweetened condensed partly skimmed milk, sweetened condensed skimmed milk and sweetened condensed high fat milk.

1.1.1 This standard does not apply to any form of concentrated milk not packed in sealed unit containers, intended for dilution into standardized, toned, double-toned or skimmed milk.


The standards given below contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of these standards:

IS No. Title

1151 : 2021 Refined sugar — Specification (third revision)

2491 : 2013 Food hygiene — General principles — Code of practice (third revision)

1479 (Part 2) : 1961 Method of test for dairy industry: Part 2 Chemical analysis of milk

4079 : 1967 Specification for canned rasogolla

4905 : 2015/ ISO 24153 : 2009 Random sampling and randomization procedures (first revision)

5126 : 2016/ ISO 5492 : 2008 Sensory analysis — Vocabulary (second revision)

5401 (Part 1) : 2012/ ISO 4832 : 2006 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of coliforms: Part 1 Colony count technique (second revision)

5402 (Part 1) : 2021/ ISO 4833-1 : 2013 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms: Part 1 Colony count at 30 °C by the pour plate technique (third revision)

5403 : 1999 Method for yeast and mould count of food stuffs and animal feeds (first revision)

5887 (Part 1) : 1976 Methods for detection of bacteria responsible for food poisoningIsolation, identification and enumeration of Escherichia Coli

(Part 3/Sec 1) : 2020/ ISO 6579-1 : 2017 Horizontal method for the detection, enumeration and serotyping of Salmonella, Section 1 Detection of Salmonella spp. (third revision)

(Part 8/Sec 1) : 2002/ ISO 6888-1 : 1999 Horizontal method for enumeration of coagulasepositive Staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species), Section 1 Technique using Baird-Parker agar medium

(Part 8/Sec 2) : 2002/ISO 6888-2 : 1999 Horizontal method for enumeration of coagulase-positive Staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species), Section 2 Technique using rabbit plasma fibrinogen agar medium

9991 : 1981 Specification for condensed milk cans

10029 : 1981 Methods for sensory evaluation of sweetened condensed milk

10500 : 2012 Drinking water — Specification (second revision)

11124 : 1984 Method for atomic absorption spectrophotometric determination of arsenic

11546 : 2012/ ISO 707 : 2008 Milk and milk products — Guidance on sampling (first revision)

11622 : 1986 Method for determination of total solids content in condensed milk

11762 : 2013/ ISO 1737 : 2008 Evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk — Determination of fat content — Gravimetric method (Reference method) (second revision)

11917 : 2018/ ISO 8968-1 : 2014 Milk and milk products — Determination of nitrogen content — Kjeldahl principle and crude protein calculation (first revision)

12074 : 1987 Method for determination of lead by atomic absorption spectrophotometer

11764 : 2005/ ISO 2911 : 2004 Sweetened condensed milk — Determination of sucrose content — Polarimetric method (first revision)

13688 : 2020 Packaged pasteurized milk — Specification (second revision)

14988 (Part 1) : 2002/ISO 11290-2 : 1998 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes: Part 1 Detection method

16195 : 2014/ ISO/TS 15495 : 2010 Milk, milk products and infant formulae — Guidelines for the quantitative determination of melamine and cyanuric acid by LC-MS MS

ISO 14501 : 2021 Milk and milk powder — Determination of aflatoxin M1 content — Clean-up by immunoaffinity chromatography and determination by high-performance liquid chromatography

ISO 14674 : 2005 Milk and milk powder — Determination of aflatoxin M1 content — Clean-up by immunoaffinity chromatography and determination by thin-layer chromatography