IS 11799 : 2005 Recommendations for Cattle Housing in Rural Areas
UDC 631.223.24 : 725.42 | FAD 5 |
Reaffirmed 2023 |
This standard covers recommendations for layout and constructional detailsof a cattle shed meant for an average farmer normally having three milchanimals with their calves and a pair of bullock and rural milk producernormally having 20 animals which may include about 12 milch animals, theirfollowers and a pair of bullocks.
2 References
IS 258 : 2000 Potash alum - Specification
IS 712 : 1984 Specification for building limes
IS 797 : 1982 Common salt for chemical industries
IS 3583 : 1988 Specification for burnt clay paving bricks
IS 3622 : 1977 Specification for sand stone (slabs and tiles)