IS 12201 : 1987 Hydro fluosilicic acid for electroplating

UDC 661.487 : 621.357.7 CHD 5
Reaffirmed 2019

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements, and method ofsampling and test for hydrofluosilicic acid for manufacture of tinfree steel (high oxide) in electroplating process.

2 References

IS 2 :1960Rules for rounding off numerical values

IS 1070 :1977Specification for water for general laboratoryuse

IS 1575 :1960Specification for separating funnel

IS 1260 : Part 1 :1973 Pictorial markings for handling andlabelling ofgoods:Part 1 Dangerous goods

IS 4161 :1967Specification for Nessler cylinder

IS 5741 :1970Methods for determination of pH