IS 12433 : Part 1 : 1988 Basic requirements for hospital planning:Part 1 upto 30 bedded hospitals

UDC 362.111-725.51 MHD 14
Reaffirmed 2018

1 Scope

1.1 This standard (Part 1) covers basic requirements forplanning a 30 bedded general hospital in respect to functionalprogramme, functional and space requirements, work-flow analysis,manpower requirements, instruments and equipment. Certain essentialrequirements for building,

1.2 It is envisaged that no single standard can meet therequirements of different regions in our country representingplains, islands and hilly terrains with diverse gee-climaticvariations. However, attempt has been made in this standard tocover basic needs of a 30 bedded hospital which could be suitablyadjusted to meet specific needs and priorities of a particularregion or a community