IS 12462 : 1988 Functional Requirements for Self-Propelled Gantry for Lifting Air Cargo Containers and Outsize Cargoes

UDC 621.874.7 : 621.869.88 : 629.13 TED 14
Reaffirmed 2018

1 Scope

Specifies the functional requirements for a self-propelledgantry capable of raising from the ground, transporting andstacking two high:

a) Corner fitting equipped air/surface intermodal containersaccording to IS 7917 (Part 1)-1975 `Air cargo freight containers:Part 1 General requirements and IS 7917 (Part 2)-1975 `Air cargofreight containers: Part 2 Testing,

b) Surface containers, equipped with 8 corner fittings accordingto IS 7694-1975 `Dimensions and general requirements of cornerfittings for ISO series 1 freight containers.