IS 12596 : 1989 Manganese Ore Sinters for Blending for Ferromanganese Production - Specification

UDC 622.341.2.188.5 : 669.743.11 MTD 13

Reaffirmed 2024

1 Scope

This standard covers the requirements of manganese ore sintersfor blending for the production of ferromanganese.

2 References

IS 1387 : 1967General requirements for the supply of metallurgicalmaterials

IS 4763 : 1982Specification for manganese ore for production offerro-manganese

IS 6495 : 1984Method of tumbler test for iron oxides, lump ores,sinter and pellets

IS 9963 : 1981Method of determination of shatter index of iron orepumps, sinters and pellets

IS 11607 : 1986Methods of sampling iron ore sinters