IS 12692 : 1989 Small Tools - Subland Twist Drills with Parallel Shanks for Clearance Holes and Countersinks for Countersunk Head Screws - Specification

UDC 621.951.452 : 621.993 PGD 32
Reaffirmed 2018

1 Scope

1.1 This Indian standard covers dimensions and otherrequirements for the subland twist drills with parallel shanks forproducing clearance holes and countersink for countersunk headscrews M3 to M10 - Fine and medium series conforming to IS 1365 :1978 `Slotted countersunk head screws (range 1.6 to 20 mm) and IS3406 (Part 1) : 1986 `Dimensions for countersinks and counterbores:Part 1 Countersinks.

2 References

IS 5099 : 1983Technical supply conditions for twist drills

IS 7778 : 1975Methods for sampling small tools

IS 10915 : 1984Terms, definitions and types of twist drills

IS 10952 : 1984Recommendations for drills for use prior to tappingscrew thread