IS 12697 : 1989 Forestry Tools - Setting Hammer, Raker Toothed Two-Men Cross Cut Saws - Specification

UDC 634.0.36 : 621.932.313.024.5 FAD 11

Reaffirmed 2024

1 Scope

1.1 This standard specifies the material, dimensions and otherrequirements for setting hammers used for setting of raker toothedtwo-men cross cut saws specified in IS 12127 : 1987 `Specificationfor two-men cross cut saws'.

2 References

IS 1387 :1967General requirements for the supply ofmetallurgical materials

IS 1570 : Part 2 :1979 Schedules for wrought steels:Part 2 Carbon steels (unalloyed steels)

IS 2102 : Part 1 :1980 General tolerances for dimensions and formandposition: Part 1 General tolerances for linearand angular dimensions

IS 2500 : Part 1 :1973 Sampling inspection tables:Part 1 Inspection by attributes and count ofdefects

IS 4953 :1973Specification for wooden handles for hand hammer