IS 12838 : 1989 Blazer cloth - Specification

UDC 677.31.074 : 687.112.2 TXD 4
Reaffirmed 2020

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements of blazer cloth.

2 References

List of Referred Indian Standards

IS 665 :1989Method for determination of dimensional changesof fabrics containing wool on soaking in water

IS 686 :1985Method for determination of colour fastness oftextile materials to daylight

IS 764 :1979Method for determination of colour fastness oftextile materials to washing: Test 3

IS 1390 :1983Method for determination of pH value of aqueousextracts of textile materials

IS 1397 :1967Specification for kraft paper

IS 1398 :1982Specification for packing paper, waterproof,bitumen laminated

IS 1793 :1973Guide for marking textile materials made of wool

IS 1954 :1969Methods for determination of length and width offabrics

IS 1964 :1970Method for determination of weight per squaremetre and weight per linear metre of fabrics

IS 1969 :1985Methods for determination of breaking load andelongation of woven textile fabrics

IS 2006 :1988Quantitative chemical analysis of binarymixtures of protein fibres and certain otherfibres

IS 2454 :1985Method for determination of colour fastness oftextile materials to artificial light (xenonlamp)

IS 2508 :1984Specification for low density polyethylene film

IS 2818 : Part 2 :1971 Specification for Indian hessian: Part 2 305 and229 g/m2 at 16 percent contract regain

IS 3361 :1979Method for determination of colour fastness oftextile materials to washing: Test 2

IS 4681 :1981Method for determining recovery from creasing oftextile fabrics by measuring the angle ofrecovery

IS 4802 :1988Method for determination of colour fastness oftextile materials to drycleaning

IS 4905 :1986Method for random sampling

IS 5152 :1969Method for estimation of benzene-methylalcohol-soluble matter in textile materials

IS 5911 :1977Fineness grades of wool tops

IS 6503 :1988Method for quantitative chemical analysis ofternary mixtures of protein fibres, nylon 6 ornylon 6.6 and certain other fibres

IS 6504 :1979Method for quantitative chemical analysis ofternary mixtures of viscose rayon, cotton andprotein fibres

IS 8357 :1977Method for assessment of fabric drape

IS 8476 :1977Method for determination of wool content inwollen textile materials

IS 10971 :1984 Methodfor determining pilling resistance offabric

IS 11206 :1984Glossary of textile terms - Wool and otheranimal fibres, their processing and products

IS 11871 :1986 Methodsfor determination of flammability andflame resistance of textile fabrics