IS 12839 : 1989 Wool/polyamide blended flannel, hospital grey - Specification

UDC 677 - 489 `31' 494.675.074 : 615.479 TXD 36
Reaffirmed 2020

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes the constructional particulars and otherrequirements of wool/polyamide blended grey flannel intended for use in thefabrication of hospital clothing and similar other uses.

1.2 This standard does not specify the indeterminable characteristics likegeneral appearance, feel, finish and shade of cloth.

2 References

List of Referred Indian Standards

IS 32 :1971Code for seaworthy packaging of woollen andworsted yarn and cloth

IS 665 :1989Method for determination of dimensional changesof fabrics containing wool on soaking in water

IS 686 :1985Method for determination of colour fastness oftextile materials to daylight

IS 741 :1971Code for inland packaging of woollen and worstedyarn and cloth

IS 1954 :1969Methods for determination of length and width offabrics

IS 1963 :1981Method for determination of threads per unitlength in woven fabrics

IS 1964 :1970Methods for determination of weight per squaremetre and weight per linear metre of fabrics

IS 1969 :1985Methods for determination of breaking load andelongation of woven textile fabrics

IS 2006 :1988Quantitative chemical analysis of binarymixtures of protein fibre and certain otherfibres

IS 2454 :1985Method for determination of colour fastness of textile materials to artificial light(xenonlamp)

IS 3361 :1979 Methodfor determination of colour fastness oftextile materials to washing: Test 2

IS 3522 : Part 3 :1983 Methods of estimation of common preservativesused in textile industry

IS 3751 :1966Specification for heavy cee cloth

IS 4125 :1987Glossary of terms pertaining to defects infabrics

IS 4802 :1988Method for determination of colour fastness oftextile material to drycleaning

IS 4905 :1968Methods for random sampling

IS 5910 :1977Fineness grades of wool

IS 5911 :1977Fineness grades of wool tops

IS 10971 :1984 Methodfor determining pilling resistance offabrics

IS 11206 :1984Glossary of textile terms - wool and otheranimal fibres, their processing and products

IS 11662 :1986Preservative treatment of textiles