IS 12857 : 1989 /IEC Pub 416 : 1988 General Principles for the Creation of Graphical Symbols for Use on Equipment

UDC 621.38.038 : 003.62 LTD 8
Reaffirmed 2023


This Indian Standard which is identical with IEC Pub 416 : 1988- `General principles for the creation of graphical symbols `foruse on equipment' issued by the International ElectrotechnicalCommission (IEC), was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on31 July 1989 on the recommendation of the Basic Standards onElectronics and Telecommunication Sectional Committee (LTD 1) andapproval of the Electronics and Telecommunication Division Council.

Cross References

International Standard Indian Standard
IEC Pub 27 : Part 1 IS 3722 Lettersymbols and signs used inelectrical technology,
Part 1 : 1983 General guidance onsymbols andsubscripts,
Part 2 : 1983 Reference tables forsymbols andsubscripts
IEC Pub 417 : 1973 IS 12856: Part 1 : Sec 1 to 4 : 1989 Graphicalsymbols for use on equipment :Part 1 Index and survey
IS 12856 : Part 2 : Sec 1 to 9 : 1989 Graphicalsymbols for use on equipment :Part 2 Compilation of single sheets
IEC 617 : Parts 1-4 IS 12032 :Part 1 to Part 4 Graphical symbols fordiagrams in the field of electrotechnology
IEC 617 : Parts 6-8 IS 12032 :Part 6 to Part 8 Graphical symbols fordiagrams in the field of electrotechnology
IEC 617 : Parts 11 IS 12032 : Part 11 Graphical symbolsfor diagramsin the field of electrotechnology
ISO 31 : Parts 0 to 13 IS 1890 : Part 0 to 13 : 1982and 1983Quantities, units and symbols
ISO 3864 :1984 IS 9457 : 1980 Code of practice for safetycolours and safety signs