IS 12909 : 1990 Power Cables - Dimensions for Moulds for Cast Resin Based Outdoor Terminations for Voltages Above 1100 Volts and up to and Including 11000 Volts

UDC 621.744 : 006.78 : 621.315.68 ETD 9
Reaffirmed 2015

1 Scope

1.1 This standard specifies dimensions for moulds for cast resinbased outdoor terminations for following types of cables:

a) PVC insulated, unscreened, voltage grade above 1.1 kV up toand including 6.6 kV [see IS 1554 (Part 2) : 1981].

b) Paper insulated, belted type voltage grade above 1.1 kV up toand including 11 kV (see IS 692 : 1973).

1.2 In this standard following types of moulds have beenconsidered depending on the type of cable (PVC or PILC) to be used:

a) Type A - This type of mould is suitable for cable terminationfor PVC cables. In such design of the mould, earthing connection istaken inside the mould. The cores coming out of the mould arefitted with the insulator discs.

b) Type B - This type of mould is suitable for cable terminationfor PILC cables. The designs of separate bushing is considered. Inthis, the earthing arrangements are taken inside the mould. In thisdesign, the precasted bushings are inserted into the mould and theremaining portion of the cores outside the mould are tasted in theresin compound in the bushings. The precasted bushings consist ofminimum one petticoat.

2 References

IS 692 :1973Paper insulated lead-sheathed cables forelectricity supply

IS 1554 : Part 2 :1981 PVC insulated (heavy duty) electriccables:Part 2 For working voltages from 3.3 kV up toand including 11 kV