IS 12977 : 1990 Arc Furnace Transformers - Specification

UDC 621.314.212 : 621.365.2 ETD 16
Reaffirmed 2019

1 Scope

1.1 This standard lays down the requirements for 3-phase or1-phase, 50 Hz, mineral-oil-immersed indoor transformers togetherwith supplementary series reactor, if any, rated 250 kVA and above,primary voltage up to 33 kV, used for supplying electric power todirect arc melting furnaces.

1.1.1 The specification of series reactors, if built in the samemain unit, are also included.

2 References

IS 335 :1983New insulating oils

IS 1885 : Part 38 :1977 Electrotechnical vocabulary :Part 38 Transformers

IS2026Power transformers:

Part 1 :1977General

Part 2 :1977Temperature-rise

Part 3 :1981Insulation levels and dielectric tests

Part 4 :1977Terminal markings, tappings and connections

IS 6600 :1972Guide for loading of oil-immersed transformers

IS 12188 :1987Electric direct arc melting furnaces