IS 13104 : 1991 2-Amino-5-[N-ethyl N-2, hydroxy ethyl] aminotoluene sulphate, Photographic grade (CD-4)

UDC 547.436.533.226 : 771.7 CHD 5

Reaffirmed 2024

1 Scope

This standard prescribes the requirements and the methods ofsampling and test for 2-amino-5-[N-ethyl N-2, hydroxy ethyl]aminotoluene sulphate, photographic grade (CD-4) used as the basicconstituent of developing solutions for treatment of multilayerlight sensitive materials of colour photography.

2 References

IS 1070 : 1977 Waterfor general laboratory use

IS 2263 : 1979Methods of preparation of indicator solutions forvolumetric analysis

IS 4905 : 1968Methods for random sampling

IS 6128 : 1971Desiccators