IS 13266 : 1991 Instant Curried Dal Mix - Specification

UDC 641.568 (540) : 641.557 FAD 24
Reaffirmed 2022

1 Scope

This standard prescribes the requirements and methods ofsampling and test for instant curried Dal mix.

2 References

List of Referred Indian Standards

IS 253 :1985Edible common salt

IS 1070 :1977Water for general laboratory use

IS 2400 :1976BESAN

IS 2491 :1972Code for hygienic conditions for food processingunits

IS 4333 : Part 5 :1970 Methods of analysis for food grains:Part 5 Determination of uric acid

IS 4684 :1975Edible groundnut flour (expeller pressed)

IS 5887

Part 1 :1976Isolation, identification and enumeration ofEscherichia coli

Part 2 :1976Isolation, identification and enumeration ofStaphylococcus aureus and faecal streptococci

Part 3 :1976Isolation and identification of Salmonella andshigella

IS 7224 :1985Iodized salt

IS 10633 :1986Vanaspati

IS 12569 :1986Potato french fries

IS 13264 :1991Ready Khichdi mix