IS 13273 : 1991 Vitreous enamelled inner tanks for storage water heater

UDC 621.642.34 ( 666.293 ) : 683.97 CHD 9
Reaffirmed 2019

1 Scope

This standard prescribes requirements methods of sampling andtests for vitreous enamelled inner tanks for use in stationarystorage type electrical water heaters.

2 References

IS 513 :1986Cold rolled low carbon steel sheets andstrips

IS 2082 :1985Stationary storage type electric waterheaters

IS 2500 : Part 1 :1973Sampling inspection tables :Part 1 Inspection on attributes and bycount of defects

IS 2717 : 1979Glossary of terms relating to vitreousenamelware and ceramic metal systems

IS 3972 : Part 1 : Sec 1 :1982 Methods of test for vitreous enamelware :Part 1 Production of specimen fortesting,Sec 1 Enamelled sheet steel

IS 3972 : Part 2 : Sec 1 :1985 Methods of test for vitreous enamelware :Part 2 Test methods,Sec 1 Resistanceto citric acid at roomtemperature and boiling temperature

IS 3972 : Part 2 : Sec 2 :1985 Methods of test for vitreous enamelware :Part 2 Test methods,Sec 2 Low and high voltage tests fordetecting and locating defects

IS 12038 :1987Permissible limits and test methods fortoxic materials released from enamelwarein contact with food