IS 13307 : 1992 Resin Finished Shoe Uppers from Goat and Sheep Skins - Specification

UDC 675.061.2/.3 : 675.043.82 : 665.94 : 685.372.14 CHD 17
Reaffirmed 2014

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements and methods ofsampling and test for resin finished shoe uppers from goat andsheep skins.

1.2 This standard covers the aniline and semi-aniline varietiesof resin finished leathers.

2 References

IS 582 : 1970Methods of chemical testing of leather

IS 1640 : 1960Glossary of terms relating to hides, skins and leather

IS 5868 : 1983 Methods of sampling for leather

IS 5914 : 1970Methods of physical testing of leather

IS 6191 : 1971Methods of micro-biological, colour fastness andmicroscopical tests for leather