IS 13358 : Part 1 : 1992 Code of practice for cultivation of aromatic plants Part 1 Geranium

UDC 665.526.22 PCD 18
Reaffirmed 2020

1 Scope

1.1 This code prescribes cultivation practices for production ofplant of geranium, botanically known as Pelargonium graveolens L.'Herit ex. Aiton syn. Pelargonium roseum Willdenow, fam.Geraniaceae.

1.2 The requirements and methods of sampling and test for oil ofgeranium have been prescribed separately in IS 587 : 1988.

2 References

IS 561 : 1978BHC, (HCH) Dusting powders

IS 587 : 1988Oil of geranium

IS 1308 : 1984Aldrin, dusting powders

IS 1507 : 1977 Copperoxychloride water dispersible powder concentrates

IS 6597 : 1988Glossary of terms relating to natural and syntheticperfumery materials

IS 8708 : 1978Mancozeb, technical

IS 9360 : 1980Carbofuran granules, encapsulated

IS 9371 : 1980Aldicarb granules, encapsulated