IS 13434 : 2005 /ISO 8135 : 1999 Hydraulic Fluid Power - Single Rod Cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar) Medium and 25 MPa (250 bar) Series - Tolerences

UDC 621.8.032 : 621.226 : 621.753.1 PGD 36
Reaffirmed 2015

National Foreword

This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 8135 : 1999 `Hydraulicfluid power - Single rod cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar) medium and 25 MPa(250 bar) series - Tolerances issued by the International Organizationfor Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards onthe recommendations of the Hydraulic Fluid Power Systems SectionalCommittee and approval of the Medical Instruments, General and ProductionEngineering Division Council.


International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard
ISO 4393 : 1978 IS 10411 : 1983 Recommendation on nominal strokes
for fluid power cylinders
ISO 5598 : 1985 IS 10416 : 1992 Fluid power systems and
components - Vocabulary
ISO 6020-1 : 1998 IS 11003 : Part 1 : 2005 Hydraulic fluid power -
Mounting dimensions for single rod cylinders -
16 MPa (160 bar) series:
Part 1 Medium series
ISO 6099 : 1985 IS 15168 : 2002 Fluid power systems and
components - Cylinders - Identification code for
mounting dimensions and mounting types