IS 13546 : 1992 General purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods - Performance requirements
UDC 621.869.821.620.16 | TED 24 |
Reaffirmed 2019 |
1 Scope
1.1 This standard establishes recommended levels or performancefor pallets when tested by the methods given in IS 6219 : 1989. Itis applicable to general purpose flat pallets intended for throughtransit of goods.
1.2 The performance requirements given in the standard relate toThis two grades of pallets:
a) Grade `N is a minimum requirement suitable for a largenumber of pallets in through transit.
b) Grade `S is it minimum requirement for several types ofpallets which are mainly used in some part of the world in throughtransit, for example, two-way pallets and partial four-way pallets.
1.3 A tabular summary of the recommended performance levels inrelation to the methods of test of IS 6219 : 1989 is given in AnnexA.
2 References
IS 3971 : 1976Glossary of terms on pallets
IS 6219 : 1989 Testcode for non-expendable flat pallets
IS 7276 : 1989Specification for non-expendable pallets