IS 13578 : 2008 Subsurface Exploration for barrages and Weirs - Code of Practice

ICS 93.020 WRD 05
Reaffirmed 2020

1 Scope

1.1 This standard gives guidance on the type, extent and details ofsubsurface exploration needed in connection with barrages and weirs.

1.2 The term subsurface exploration, as used herein, covers all types ofexploration connected with determination of the nature and extent of soiland/or rock below the natural ground surface at or near barrage/weirsites.

2 References

The standards listed in Annex A contain provisionswhich through reference in this text constituteprovisions of this standard. At the time ofpublication, the editions indicated were valid. Allstandards are subject to revision and parties toagreements based on these standards are encouragedto investigate the possibility of applying themost recent editions of the standards indicated inAnnex A.

     IS No.     Title
IS 1498 : 1970 Classification and identification
of soils for general engineering
purposes (first revision)
IS 1888 : 1982 Method for load test on soils
(second revision)
IS 1892 : 1979 Code of practice for subsurface
investigations for foundations
(first revision)
IS 2131 : 1981 Methods of standard penetration
test for soils (first revision)
IS 2720 Methods of test for soils:
IS Part 2 : 1973 Determination of water content
(second revision)
IS Part 4 : 1985 Grain size analysis (second
IS Part 5 : 1985 Determination of liquid and
plastic limit (second revision)
IS Part 10 : 1991 Determination of unconfined
compressive strength (first
IS Part 11 : 1993 Determination of the shear
strength parameters of a
specimen tested in unconsolidated undrained triaxial
compression without the
measurement of pore pressure
IS Part 12 : 1981 Determination of the shear
strength parameters of soil from
consolidated, undrained triaxial
compression test with
measurement of pore water
pressure(first revision)
IS Part 13 : 1986 Direct shear test (second
IS Part 14 : 1983 Determination of density index
(relative density) of
cohesionless soils (first revision)
IS Part 15 : 1965 Determination of consolidation
properties (first revision)
IS Part 17 : 1986 Laboratory determination of
permeability (first revision)
IS Part 21 : 1977 Determination of total soluble
solids (first revision)
IS Part 22 : 1972 Determination of organic matter
(first revision)
IS Part 23 : 1976 Determination of calcium
carbonate (first revision)
IS Part 26 : 1987 Determination of pH value
(second revision)
IS Part 27 : 1977 Determination of soluble
sulphates (first revision)
IS Part 28 : 1974 Determination of dry density of
soils in place by the sand
replacement method (first revision)
IS Part 29 : 1975 Determination of dry density of
soils in place, by the core-cutter
method (first revision)
IS Part 33 : 1971 Determination of density of soil
in place by the ring and water
replacement method
IS Part 34 : 1972 Determination of density of soil
in place by rubber balloon
IS Part 38 : 1976 Compaction control test (Hilf
IS Part 40 : 1977 Determination of free swell index
of soils
IS Part 41 : 1977 Determination of swelling
pressure of soils
IS 2950 : Part 1 : 1981 Code of practice for design and
construction of raft foundations:
Part 1 Design (second revision)
IS 3025 : Part 11 : 1983 Methods of sampling and test (physical and
chemical) for water and waste water:
Part 11 pH value (first revision)
IS 4078 : 1980 Code of practice for indexing and
storage of drill cores (first
IS 4434 : 1978 Code of practice for in-situ vane
shear test for soils (first revision)
IS 4453 : 1980 Code of practice for exploration
by pits, trenches, drifts and
shafts (first revision)
IS 4464 : 1985 Code of practice for presentation
of drilling information and
core description in foundation
investigation (first revision)
IS 4968 : Part 3 : 1976 Method for subsurface sounding
for soils: Part 3 Static cone
penetration test (first revision)
IS 5529 Code of practice in-situ permeability test:
IS Part 1 : 1985 Test in overburden (first
IS Part 2 : 2006 Test in rock (second revision)
IS 6926 : 1996 Code of practice for diamond core
drilling for site investigation for
river valley projects
IS 7292 : 1974 Code of practice for in-situ
determination of rock properties
by flat jack
IS 7317 : 1993 Code of practice for uniaxial
jacking test for deformation
modulus of rock
IS 7422 Symbols and abbreviations for
use in geological maps, sections
and subsurface exploratory logs:
IS Part 1 : 1974 Abbreviations
IS Part 2 : 1974 Igneous rocks
IS Part 3 : 1974 Sedimentary rocks
IS Part 4 : 1985 Metamorphic rocks
IS Part 5 : 1992 Line contacts and structural
IS 7746 : 1991 Code of practice for in-situ shear
test on rock
IS 8764 : 1998 Method of determination of
point load strength index of rocks
IS 9143 : 1979 Method of determination of
unconfined compressive
strength of rock materials
IS 9214 : 1979 Method for determination of modulus
of sub-grade reaction
(k-value) of soils in the field
IS 9221 : 1979 Method for the determination of
modulus of elasticity and
Poisson's ratio of rock materials
in uniaxial compression
IS 12634 : 1989 Rock joints-direct shear
strength - Laboratory method of
IS 4453 : 1980 Exploration by pits, trenches,
drifts and shafts - Code of
practice (first revision)
IS 15686 : 2006 Recommendations for preparation
of geological and geotechnical
maps for river valley projects