IS 13624 : 1993 Methods of sampling and analysis of water formed deposits - Guidelines

UDC 663.6 : 543.3 CHD 13
Reaffirmed 2019

1 Scope

1.1 This standard covers the types cf deposits on equipmentsurfaces in steam-water system and the methods of sampling foranalysis and identification of their constituent describing brieflythe nature of the deposits.

1.1.1 Attempt has been made to frame the guidelines forpresentation of those methods that shall be suitable for mostdeposits, if not all. Methods of sampling may, however, beconveniently replaced or modified with improved techniques as theybecome available from time to time. However, it is important thatsampling devices capable of giving a representative sample shall beused.

1.1.2 These guidelines are based on the experience gained overthe years, with only those water formed deposits which areencountered while using water in the industry invohving heatexchangers, steam raising equipment (boiler and other accessories)and steam rotating equipment with accessories, which include theend use of the steam.

2 References

IS 460 : Part 1 :1978 Specification for test sieve:Part 1 Wire cloth test sieve

IS 1917 :1962Methods of chemical analysis of quartzite andhigh silica sand

IS 5194 :1969Methods of determination of nitrogen - Kjeldalemethod

IS 6361 :1971Methods of colorimetric determination ofphosphates