IS 13635 : 1993/ISO 2972 : 1979 Numerical control of machines - Symbols

UDC 621.9.503.55 : 681.323 : 003.62 PGD 35

Reaffirmed 2023


This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 2972 : 1979`Numerical control of machines - Symbols', issued by theInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adoped bythe Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendations of theMachine Tool Basics and Modular Units Sectional Committee (PE 03)and approval of the Production Engineering Division Council.

There are certain symbols which are not given in the ISOStandard, but these symbols find their extensive use in the machinetool industries. Such symbols have been given in the National Annexof this Indian Standard. These symbols are in alignment with thesymbols as given in BS 3641 : Part 2 : 1980 `Symbols for machinetools - Part 2: Specification for numerical control symbols'.