IS 13653 : 1992 Anaerobic Jointing Compounds for Use in Liquefied Petroleum Gas Appliances and Installations - Specification

UDC 621-762 : 621.6.036 PCD 12

Reaffirmed 2024

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes requirements and methods ofsampling and test for anaerobic jointing compounds suitable for usewhere working pressure Up to 2000 kPa and temperature up to65�C are encountered.

1.2 This material is suitable for sealing taper/parallel andtaper/taper joints up to R 3/8 nominal sizes.

2 References

IS 323 :1959 Specification for rectifiedspirit

IS 718 :1977 Specification for carbontetrachloride

IS 554 :1985 Dimensions for pipe threadswhere pressure tight jointsare required on threads

IS 3178 : 1965Specification for abrasive emery powder

IS 13055 : 1991Methods of sampling and test for anaerobic adhesives andsealants