IS 13752 : 1993 Guidelines for Reporting Sequence of Elements in Steel and Pig Iron and Mechanical Properties in Steels

UDC 669.141.2 : 620.17 MTD 4

Reaffirmed 2024

1 Scope

1.1 This standard covers the general guidelines for sequentialreporting of chemical elements in steel/pig iron.

1.2 It also provides guidelines for standardizing the sequentialreporting of mechanical properties and uniform format for the testcertificate issued by the manufacturer.

2 References

IS 228Methods for chemical analysis of steel (issuedin parts)

IS 1500 :1983Method for Brinell hardness test for metallicmaterials

IS 1586 :1988Method for Rockwell hardness test for metallicmaterial (scales A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-K)

IS 1599 :1985Method for bend test

IS 1608 : 1972 Method fortensile testing of steel products

IS 1663 :1972Method for tensile testing of steel sheer andstrip of thickness 0.5 mm to 3 mm

IS 1757 :1988Method for charpy impact test (V-notch) formetallic material

IS 3803 : Part 1 :1989 Steel conversion of elongation values :Part 1 Carbon and low alloy steels

IS 3803 : Part 2 :1989 Steel conversion of elongation values :Part 2 Austenitic steels

IS 5072 :1988Methods for Rockwell superficial hardness test(scales 15N, 30N, 45N, 15T, 30T and 45T)

IS 10842 :1984Testing and evaluation procedure for Y groovecrackability test