IS 1376 : 1998 Textiles - Cotton sewing threads for aerospace purposes - Specification

UDC 59.080.20 TXD 13
Reaffirmed 2016

1 Scope

This standard specifies constructional particulars and other requirements forfifteen varieties of cotton sewing threads used for aerospace purposes.

2 References

IS 199 :1989Textiles - Estimation of moisture, total size orfinish, ash and fatty matter in grey andfinished cotton textile materials

IS 765 :1979Method for determination of colour fastness oftextile materials to washing, Test 4

IS 1039 :1989Textiles - Estimation of copper, iron,manganese, chromium and zinc

IS 1066 :1980Code for packing of sewing threads

IS 1315 :1977Method for determination of linear density ofyarn spun on cotton system

IS 1390 :1983Methods for determination of pH value of aqueousextracts of textile materials

IS 1670 :1991Textiles - Yarn - Determination of breaking loadand elongation at break of single strand

IS 2454 :1985Methods for determination of colour fastness of textilematerials to artificial light (Xenonlamp)

IS 3456 :1966Method for determination of water soluble matterof textile materials

IS 3522 : Part 1 :1989 Methods for estimation of common preservativesused on textiles,Part 1

IS 4202 :1967Method for determination of chloride content oftextile materials

IS 4203 :1967Method for determination of sulphate content intextile materials

IS 4655 :1968Method for determination of iron and chromium intextiles