IS 1409 : 1959 Methods of chemical analysis of antifriction bearing alloys

UDC 669.018.24 : 543 MTD 34
Reaffirmed 2021

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes the methods of chemical analysis ofantifriction bearing alloys having chemical composition within thefollowing limits:           Percent

Lead         0.10 to 80.00

Tin         4.50" 93.00

Antimony    7.00" 16.00

Copper      0.10" 6.00

Arsenic     0.10" 0-25

Bismuth     0.05" 0.1

Iron        0.08" 0.1

Cadmium     0.05" 0.1

Zinc        0.008" 0.01

Aluminium   0.005, Max

1.2 The analytical procedures appear in the following order:                                                              Item No.

a) Tin - by the IodimetricMethod                             4

b) Arsenic - by the Distillation (Iodimetric)Method          5

c) Antimony - by the Potassium BromateMethod                 6

d) Lead Copper - by the Hydrobromic AcidSeparation           7

e) Copper - by the Rapid ElectrolyticMethod                  8

f) Bismuth - by the Thiourea (Photometric)Method             9

g) Iron - by the PhotometricMethod                           10

h) Cadmium - by the Sulphide Separation (Gravimetric)Method   11

j) Zinc - by the Dithizone (Calorimetric)Method              12

k) Aluminium - by the Aluminon (Photometric)Method            13

1.3 Special Cases

1.3.1 When zinc content is 28 to 30 percent in a particularalloy, the method as prescribed in Appendix A shall be followed.

1.3.2 When tin content is 0.5 to 1.5 percent in a particularalloy, the method as prescribed in Appendix B shall be followed.

1.3.3 When antimony content is less than 0.5 percent in aparticular alloy, the method as given under 6 shall be followed,except that the strength of standard potassium bromate solutionused for titration shall be 0.005 N.

2 References

IS 264 : 1950 Ifcadmium has to be determined from the solution reservedunder 7.5.2, take 2 to 5 g of the sample (depending oncadmium content)