IS 14194 : Part 1 : 2023 Radionuclides in Environmental Samples - Methods of Estimation - Part 1 Gross Beta Activity Measurement

ICS 13.020.40; 13.280

CHD 30


This standard prescribes the detailed procedure for measurement of gross-beta activity in water samples such as drinking water, ground water, surface water, waste water, etc, geological samples such as soils, rocks, ores, sediments, etc, and biological samples such as blood, food, tissue, etc, that may be contaminated with beta emitters originating from natural or anthropogenic sources.


The standards given below contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revisions, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of these standards:

IS No. Title
IS 264 : 2005 Nitric acid - Specification (third revision)
IS 265 : 2021 Hydrochloric acid - Specification (fifth revision)
IS 501 : 1976 Specification for oxalic acid, technical and analytical reagent (second revision)
IS 695 : 2020 Acetic acid - Specification (fourth revision)
IS 1070 : 2023 Reagent grade water - Specification (fourth revision)
IS 7223 : 1986 Specification for potassium chloride, analytical reagent (first revision)