IS 14217 : 1994 Miners cap lamp batteries (alkaline type)

UDC 621.355.8 : 622.474 ETD 11
Reaffirmed 2018

1 Scope

1.1 This standard covers performance and other requirements, andmethods of tests for alkaline batteries of nominal voltage of 3.6 Vor 2.4 V and of nominal capacity of 13 Ah for use with miners caplamp.

2 References

IS 1069 :1964Water for storage batteries

IS 1248 : Part 2 :1983 Direct acting indicating analogueelectricalmeasuring instruments and their accessories:Part 2 Ammeters and voltmeters

IS 1885 : Part 8 :1986 Electrotechnical vocabulary:Part 8 Secondary cells and batteries

IS 10918 :1984Specification for vented type nickel cadmiumbatteries