IS 14231 : Part 4 : 1995 Cabled Distribution Systems for Television and Sound Signals - Specification - Part 4 : Passive Coaxial Wideband Distribution Components

UDC 621.397.743 : 621.396.6 LTD 7
Reaffirmed 2019

1 Scope

1.1 This standard applies to receiver leads, system outlets,splitters aud subscriber's taps, passive one and two port devicescomprising filters, attenuators, equalizers, galvanic isolators,power injectors, cable splices, terminating resistors and deliverypoints in the frequency range 5 MHz to 1750 MHz.

Note 1 - There are two grades for taps and splitters and passiveone-and-two port devices. This enables the system designer tooptimize cost/performance, taking into account the size of thenetwork and local circumstances.

Note 2 - There is only one grade of system outlet and receiverlead. Different networks require the same performance and, whenintegrating networks, upgrading will be avoided.

2 References

List of Referred Indian Standards

IS9000Basic environmental testing procedures forelectronic and electrical items:

Part 1 :1988Part 1 General

Part 2 : Sec 1-4 :1977 Cold test,Section 1 GeneralSection 2 Cold test for non-heat dissipatingitems with sudden change of temperatureSection 3 Cold test for non-heat dissipatingitems with gradual change of temperatureSection 4 Cold test for heat dissipatingitems with gradual change of temperature

Part 3 : Sec 1-5 :1977 Part 3 Dry heat test Section 1 GeneralSection 2 Dry heat test for non-heatdissipating items with sudden change oftemperatureSection 3 Dry heat test for non-heatdissipating items with gradual change oftemperatureSection 4 Dry heat test for heatdissipating items with gradual change oftemperatureSection 5 Dry heat test for heat dissipatingitems with gradual of temperature

Part 5 : Sec 1-2 :1981 Part 5 Dampheat (cyclic) testSection 1 16 + 8 h cycleSection 2 12 + 12 h cycle

Part 7 : Sec 1-4 :1985 Part 7 Impact test Section 1 Shock testSection 2 Bump testSection 3 Drop and topple testSection 4 Free fall test

Part 8 :1981Part 8 Vibration (sinusoidal) test

Part 31 :1978Part 31 Combined cold/low air pressure test

IS9000Guidance for environmental testing:

Part 14 :1978Part 14 Storage test

IS 13696 :1976Interconnection of radio and TV receivers

IS14231Cabled distribution systems fortelevision and sound signals:

Part 1 :1995Part 1 Safety requirements

Part 3 :1995Part 5 Active coaxial wideband distributioncomponents