IS 14231 : Part 5 : 1995 Cabled Distribution System for Television and Sound Signals - Specification - Part 5 : Headend

UDC 621.396.621.2 : 621.397.743 LTD 7
Reaffirmed 2019

1 Scope

1.1 This standard (Part 5) covers characteristics of theequipment used in the headends of terrestrial broadcast andsatellite receiving systems (without satellite out-door units). Thestandard contains the minimum requirements to be met, data sheetswhich have to be published and test specifications necessary forspecial measurements.

1.2 This standard only deals with the interfaces between headendcomponents and explains the function of the devices if this isnecessary to support the description of the interfaces.

1.3 This standard does not cover coder, transcoder, encrypter,decrypter, etc. If such devices are used in headends, the relevantparameters for RF, video, audio and data interfaces have to be metaccordingly.

2 References

List of Referred Indian Standards

IS 4545 : Part 5 :1983Methods of measurement on receivers fortelevision broadcast transmissions:Part 5 Sensitivity

IS9000Basic environmental testing proceduresfor electronic and electrical items:

Part 1 :1988Part 1 General

Part 2 : Sec 1 to 4 :1977 Part 2 Cold test,Section 1 GeneralSection 2 Cold test for non-heatdissipating items with sudden change oftemperatureSection 3 Cold test for non-heatdissipating items with gradual change oftemperatureSection 4 Cold test for heat dissipatingitems with gradual change of temperature

Part 3 : Sec 1 to 5 :1977 Part 3 Dry heat test,Section 1 General Section 2 Dry heat test for non-heatdissipating items with sudden change oftemperatureSection 3 Dry heat test for non-heat dissipating items with gradual change oftemperatureSection 4 Dry heat test for heatdissipating items with sudden change of temperatureSection 5 Dry heat test for heatdissipating items with gradual change oftemperature

Part 5 : Sec 1 and 2 :1981 Part 5 Damp heat (cyclic) test,Section 1 16 + 8 h cycleSection 2 12 + 12 h cycle

Part 7 : Sec 1 to 41979 Section 1 ShockSection 2 BumpSection 3 Drop and toppleSection 4 Free fall

Part 8 :1981 Part 8 Vibration (sinusoidal) test

Part 31 :1978Part 31 Combined cold/low air pressuretests

IS9001Guidance for environmental testing:

Part 14 :1979Part 14 Storage tests

IS14231Cabled distribution system for televisionand sound signals:

Part 1 :1995Part 1 Safety requirements

Part2Part 2 Electromagnetic compatibility forcomponents and systems (under preparation)

Part 3 :1995Part 3 Active coaxial wide banddistribution components

IS 11777 : Part9Connectors for frequency below 3 MHz :Part 9 Circular connectors for radio andassociated sound equipment (underpreparation)

Doc : LTD 16 :1753Radio frequency connectors:Part 8 R.F. Coaxial with inner diameterof outer conductor 6.5 mm (0.256 in) withbayonet lock characteristics impedance 50ohms (Type BNC) (under preparation)

Doc : LTD 16 :1754Radio frequency connectors:Part 2 Coaxial matched television aerialfeeder connector (under preparation)