IS 14243 : Part 2 : 1995 Guidelines for selection and development of site for building in hill areas Part 2 Selection and development

UDC 69.035.2 : 69.051 (026) CED 48
Reaffirmed 2020

1 Scope

1.1 This standard (Part 2) gives guidelines for the selection ofbuilding sites in mountainous terrains on various types of soilsand rock with least slope stabilization and/or protection works. Anindividual building site, depending upon the specific requirement,importance and special foundation soil and terrain characteristicsmay require separate detailed study and investigations.

1.2 In high altitude cold regions freezing and thawing of theground pose special problems which require separate careful studyfor selection of building sites and evaluate the depth of buildingfoundations. Also snowfall and avalanches along steep slopes whichresult in damage to building require detailed investigations foreach site.

2 References

IS 1893 : 1984Criteria of earthquake resistant design of structure

IS 12070 : 1987 Codeof practice for design and construction of shallowfoundation of rock

IS 13063 : 1991 Codeof practice for structural safety of buildings onshallow foundations on rock