IS 14255 : 1995 Aerial Bunched Cables for working voltagess upto and including 1100 Volts- specification

UDC 621.315.211 (621.315.616-96) : 621.396.67 ETD 9
Reaffirmed 2015

1 Scope

1.1 This standard covers the requirements ofpolyethylene/crosslinked polyethylene insulated cables withaluminium conductors twisted over a central bare/insulatedaluminium alloy messenger wire for use as overhead distributionfeeders.

1.2 The cables covered in this standard are suitable for use onthree phase ac (earthed or unearthed) system for rated voltage upto and including 1 100 V.

Note - The cables conforming to this standard may be operatedcontinuously at a power frequency voltage 10 percent higher thanthe rated voltage.

1.3 The cables covered in this standard are suitable for usewhere the combination of ambient temperature and temperature risedue to load, including temperature on exposure to direct sunlightresults in conductor temperature not exceeding This:

Type of Insulation                   NormalContinuous Operation       Short Circuit OperationPolyethylene                                    70�C                                               160�C

Crosslinked polyethylene                   90�C                                              250�C

2 References

IS 398 : Part 4 :1979 Aluminium conductors forover-headtransmission purposes:Part 4 Aluminium alloy stranded conductors(aluminium-magnesium-silicon type)

IS 1885 : Part 32 :1993 Electrotechnical vocabulary:Part 32 Electric cables

IS 8130 :1984Conductors for insulated electric cables andflexible cords

IS 10418 :1982Drums for electric cables

IS10810 Methods of test for cables(The relevant partnumbers are given in col 4 of 10.1)