IS 14333 : 2022 Polyethylene Pipes for Sewerage and Industrial Chemicals and Effluent - Specification

ICS 23.040.45, 91.140.60, 93.025

CED 50

Revised Standard from Last Update.


1.1 This standard specifies the characteristics and requirements for polyethylene pipes intended to be used for following applications above or below ground:

a) Sewerage (pressure or non-pressure);

b) Industrial effluent; and

c) Industrial chemicals.

1.2 This standard covers polyethylene pipes from 63 mm to 2 500 mm nominal diameter of pressure rating from 0.20 MPa (2.0 bar) to 2.0 MPa (20.0 bar).

1.3 The operating temperatures of 10 °C, 20 °C, 27 °C, 40 °C, 50 °C and 60 °C for different service life are covered.

1.4 The reference temperature of 20 °C for 50 years of continuous stress is considered for the minimum required strength (MRS) of polyethylene base resin. The design stress at 20 °C is derived by dividing MRS by the overall service (design) coefficient, C which is 1.25 (Min) for all polyethylene pipes. This standard specifies overall service design coefficient of 1.25, 1.6 and 2.0 which shall be appropriately selected by the user/design engineer keeping in view the application to which the pipes are subjected to (see also Note 1).


1 In IS 4984, which covers PE pipes for water supply for human consumption and raw water, the C value taken is 1.25. Further, the maximum allowable operating pressure at 27 °C has been obtained by applying a pressure reduction coefficient of 0.85.

2 In this standard, the allowable operating pressure of IS 4984 at 27 °C (for 50 years life) with service design coefficient

1.25 has been taken as reference. The maximum allowable operating pressure for an operating fluid temperature other than 27 °C and service life other than 50 years, can be derived as per 6.1.4.

1.5 For chemical resistance of polyethylene and its compatibility with various fluids and its performance in different general uses, reference shall be made to IS 16268/ISO TR 10358.

1.6 For pipes for non-pressure applications, PE pipes of stiffness (SN) value of 8 and above shall be used. Guidance on stiffness class of PE pipes is provided at Annex A.

1.7 This standard does not purport to give guidelines for designing and dimensioning of pipe lines.


The following standards contain provisions, which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication the editions indicated are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreement based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below:

2530 : 1963 Methods of test for polyethylene molding materials and polyethylene compounds

4905 : 2015/ISO 24153 : 2009 Random sampling and randomization procedures (first revision)

4984 : 2016 Polyethylene pipes for water supply - Specification (fifth revision)

7328 : 2020 Specification for polyethylene material for moulding and extrusion (second revision)

12235 (Part 18) : 2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Method of test: Part 18 Determination of ring stiffness (first revision)

16268 : 2017/ISO TR 10358 : 1993 Plastic pipes and fittings - Combined chemical-resistance classification table