IS 14500 : 1998 Linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) films

ICS 83.080.20 PCD 12
Reaffirmed 2020

1 Scope

1.1 This standard prescribes the requirements, methods ofsampling and tests for linear low density polyethylene films forpackaging and allied purposes.

1.2 This standard covers flexible unsupported tubular films of10 to 100 micron in thickness made from natural compound of linearlow density polyethylene having density between 908.4 to 938.4kg/m3 at 27�C (910 to 940 kg/m3,/sup> at 23�C).

1.3 Coloured film other than black shall be as agreed to betweenthe supplier and the purchaser.

2 References

IS 2508 :1984Specification for low densitypolyethylene films

IS 2828 :1964Glossary of terms used in plasticsindustry

IS 4905 :1968Methods for random sampling

IS 10141 :1982Positive list of constituents ofpolyethylene in contact withfoodstuffs, pharmaceuticals anddrinking water

IS 10146 :1982Polyethylene for its safe use incontact with foodstuffs,pharmaceuticals and drinking water

IS 13360 : Part 3 : Sec 1 :1995 Plastics - Methods of testing:Part 3 Physical and dimensionalproperties,Section 1 Determination of density andrelative density of non-cellularplastics